We dispatch from our warehouse in Melbourne, via Australia Post eParcel.
Orders can arrive as fast as two days, and we offer free shipping on all orders.
Free Express Shipping on all orders, 2-4 Business Days ($0)
For estimated delivery times to your destination, please refer to the Australia Post website directly.
We ship internationally (to the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and New Zealand) utilizing Australia Post International Parcel Delivery Service.
Free Express Shipping on all orders, 5-8 Business Days ($0)
You will receive an email or text message once your order is delivered with a tracking number that you can trace.
If you encounter issues during Checkout and your address cannot be processed, it means that we do not currently deliver to your country. Please feel free to send us an email inquiry, and we can confirm this at
Please note that any custom’s fees (such as duties and taxes) incurred by your country are the responsibility of the customer and will not be refunded by Rob Torelli Diving. We encourage you to contact a local customs agent for more information.
Orders placed before 1:00 pm AWST (Monday-Friday) will be dispatched the same day.
Orders placed after 1:00 pm AWST (Monday-Friday) will be dispatched the next business day.
***Please note that we are closed on WA Public Holidays. If an order is received after 1:00 pm the day before a public holiday, it will be dispatched on the first day of normal trading after the Public Holiday.
The above timeframes are to be used as a guide only and will commence from the date of dispatch. Rob Torelli Diving will do its utmost to meet the indicated delivery timeframes but is not held responsible for any delay caused by Australia Post or any delivery contractor. Once your item is dispatched, you should receive an email or text with your tracking number. You can then go to the Australia Post tracking page to track your item’s delivery.
If delivery is attempted, and nobody is available to accept the parcel, in most cases, a card is left at your premises, and the parcel will then be held at your local postal facility for a limited time. If you are not contactable, and your parcel is unable to be delivered within 5 days (on average), it will be returned to us, and we will then be in contact to arrange an alternative delivery. ***Please note that you may incur additional shipping charges should this occur (even if we are offering FREE delivery on other orders).
Unfortunately, we are unable to make any changes or cancel your order once it has been placed. Please ensure all details on your order are correct before submitting your order (or “Checking Out”). In particular, we recommend double-checking your email address and delivery address.
It is important to also check auto-fill details on 3rd party payment provider platforms (like Apple Pay, Shop Pay, Google Pay, Paypal & Afterpay, etc).
In the event that your delivery is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address details, please note that this will then require re-delivery, which could incur a fee (even if we are offering FREE delivery on other orders).
Please note: we reserve the right to cancel any order at any time.